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General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by dannjr on March 20, 2009, 05:46:37 PM »
Belkin.. Was that from AT&T..

No the way I saw one of the file cabinets it looked like a small tower speaker After further review it looks like a cabinet ;D

Anyway try to move the belkin as they get older.. UPS's get older they make a little niose trying to keep the battery charged.. Remember batteries in them things if there lithium they go bad after 3 years.. NiHcad last longer.. lot longer with longer up times when the powers out. they can also last longer.

The Battery companies need to stop producing lithium.. theyre dirtier in the long run
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 05:26:31 PM »
Quote from: dannjr
Is that a BIG speaker on the floor of the office currantly next to the gateway..

Is this what you're talking about  ???
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 05:18:26 PM »
Quote from: dannjr
Wait you want to put your Desk on top the wifeys ;D

Uhumm.. I'm trying to stay alive around here, One look at Duh Wifeys desk will tell you it's a "DO NOT TOUCH center! ;D

Quote from: dannjr
Is that a BIG speaker on the floor of the office currantly next to the gateway..

No.. no speakers in there, you must be seeing the battery backs up pack? 
Under the plan I have, the two Book cases will be moved to where my computer desk is now. Then we'll thin out all that junk piled up on it.

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by dannjr on March 20, 2009, 04:46:22 PM »
The next two pictures are to show you my plans.
First one is where I want to put my old computer desk, It will be to the left on Duh wifeys computer desk,

Wait you want to put your Desk on top the wifeys ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by dannjr on March 20, 2009, 04:44:18 PM »
Is that a BIG speaker on the floor of the office currantly next to the gateway..
That can cause reverb when talking on the phone threw the gateway..
I sugest if thats gonna stay there then go out and buy CAT6 700Mhz cables to reduce noise between the phones and DSL

RF isnt as bad on DSL as it use to be but still exists. If you took a speaker out of the speaker case and set it top of a old CRT monitor or TV you would see the picture distort.. Its really kewl as it turns different colors..

The floor is best or inside that shelving unit with lots of air..
If you saw my office AND your not right now.
All thats live in there is a computer running pfSense which I made sure had no static coming off of it.. and a network printer with all the networking devices.
I have to re-wire the network in that room so cables are all over the place. but no static in there.
I had a network switch sitting outside the room near all the TV equiptment and that would cause that old switch to fall out once in a while. It was also less then 3 feet from the Base speaker on the floor when we had the surround sound on thats when I noticed the problem.

When I re-wire I'll be eliminating 10 cables going threw the wall of the second floor
to leave one behind for the second floor.
the network equiptment will all be in one spot in the Dungeon.. Cold closet with two large computer case fans in there. The closet already stays at no more then 68 degree's F and sometimes as low as 40degree's.. Its a cold closet ;D
We dont use it for food sooo its a good spot to hide all the cables.

I'l still have the network layered but the mess will be outta site making the wife extreemly happy.. Im gonna take the old office and move our filling cabinets into the closet in that room and make that room into a guest room or whatever.. Nost things I do on a laptop anyway. I can have a small gigabyte switch in that room with a wireless access point.
The more I can hide the better. and if the way the Internet is done changes I wont need to have a Tech going threw the whole house.. they can go direct to the source.

Look at your plan more then once you might find a even better way to do it.
Businesses and schools have there equipment outta site outta mind why cant a homeowner... Or the further away you have it outta site the less attractive it is to Grand kids.

Our re-wiring will take a full day or more to do.. The Internet will only be down for 5 minutes with the move... OR 30 seconds if I can coordinate the switch with two DSL modems/bridges... ;D
I just want to see the floor in my office again ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 03:20:19 PM »
after reading you response about the location of the gateway, I can put it on the left side bottom shelf, I'd have to take the back panel off to improve air circulation. But that's no biggy.

My calculations are there will be a gape between my computer desk and the black filing cabinet you see on the floor (there is two, one will be moved) on the left side of Duh wifeys computer desk.

OK.. Your Turn! ;D

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 03:16:05 PM »
And this is the right side and duh wifey's desk is now.
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 03:14:44 PM »
The next two pictures are to show you my plans.
First one is where I want to put my old computer desk, It will be to the left on Duh wifeys computer desk,
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 03:12:00 PM »
Next is the current shelf set up, if you look closely, you can see the gateway, the Battery back up on the floor and then the wall outlet the incoming data and outline for the IP phone is at.
General Discussion CLOSED / Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 03:09:54 PM »
Here are some pictures of what I have and the room I have to work with ;)

First is my old computter desk, all the junk will be packed away and that desk will be moved to the corner I'll show in a bit.
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