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General Discussion CLOSED / Re: The Big Day event, switching to U-verse.
« Last post by dannjr on March 23, 2009, 05:15:08 PM »
They get stupid sometimes

Call 800 244 2444 at the prompt billing ask for a combined billing agent.
if they ask why tell them your combined bill is a mess and you only want to speak to a combined billing person..

When you get that person on the phone tell them your not happy and that your wife is really upset with the whole deal and that you need to know why the bill is so high and what happened to your promotion..

If need be work in how whe might just want to cancel everything.. Dont tell them you want to cancel..

Have them add everything up Take your time with it and ask at the end of the conversation how much they really need sent in..

Here's what I've ran into.. You get a Deal with them but the Computer dosnt take the deal at the time of the order.. Which I know they been trying to fix for months since taking on the third party order takers..

Bottom line only a Combined Billing agent can fix the problem and the Billing dept might also give some insite but then you might be put threw some added hold times..

Once all the billing is straght it should be good to go. Whatever the combined billing guy tells you your bill should be pay only that amount. Only because it might take a couple months for the bill to be straightened out... Its a automated computer problem and takes getting the flags in order.. and whatever the guy or girl tells you on the phone it still has to go threw several people to fix it..

Again the good part is they keep notes.. So ask for the refrence number at the end of the conversation..
If you call tomarrow make sure its before 11am your time..
Hopefully you get a agent in Ohio or MO. or further west 
General Discussion CLOSED / switching to U-verse. The Bill!
« Last post by Buggyman on March 22, 2009, 02:54:46 PM »
OOPS.. Duh U-verse Honeymoon is over, ::)
We got the First bill and it was all screwed up. Nothing about the discounts and something someone forget to mention was that they will double bill your first bill.
They bill you for the "Past" month services and then The "Prorate" the next month bill.
That would have been nice to know because we already had to pay off Comcast and Moneys isn't flowing like a water fountain around here.
But that wasn't the kicker.
ALL though out the Switching process, "EVERYONE" in the system knew what services I was getting and how much I was paying.
Obviously someone forget to let the Billing department know  ::)
So.. I'll be on the phone tomorrow trying to get that straigened out.
As of the current bill I'm paying out more than I did with Concast.
Those in the Know needs to let yjosr who "Need" to know that this isn't  good "Promo" image they want to have.
I know it will get straigened out, But I shouldn't have to call in to straigten "Their" screw up.
Because If I was living pay check to paycheck then They would have had the first cancelation from me due to "Unpaid" bill.

As for the service itself.. I Love it and it's been trouble free with the exception of the minor e-mail problem we had a couple weeks ago. But The lady from AT&T got that resolved and no problem since.

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 22, 2009, 02:38:15 PM »
Well, the move was complete, some minor changes which were for the better anyway.
Got the gateway on the second shelf from the floor on the left side pf my old computer desk and the battery back up still on the floor but on the right side in the cubby hole.
I do have one question, the cables for the data and the power cord going to the gateway are mixed together, shouldn't they be separated somewhat?

I'll get some updated pictures when I get a chance ;)

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Time
« Last post by Buggyman on March 22, 2009, 02:31:15 PM »
Uhum.. I don't think I'll get up at 4 am to say "I witness that"  ;D

But it is nice to know that, wonder if Microsoft is prepared to release an update to be prepared for that. ROTFLOL!

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Time
« Last post by dannjr on March 22, 2009, 05:35:11 AM »
this is a quote from another board GB

I learnt about this remarkable coincidence today as I put my hair out to dry:

At five minutes and six seconds after 4 AM on the 8th of July this year, the time and date will be:

04:05:06 07/08/09 no matter wherever you are in the world. You will have to wait a thousand years for this to happen again. I, for one, will be sick of waiting!
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 21, 2009, 06:46:21 PM »
Oh I intend to mark them "properly when I figure out which one was which. I'm pretty sure.. but I want to "Make" sure before marking.
I write everything down on a note pad and stick it in a File Folder we call "AT&T U-Verse"
Brilliant isn't it ;)

Now to start shuffling stuff around so I can park My Computer Desk where I want it.

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by dannjr on March 21, 2009, 05:30:46 PM »
its a real simple solution.

Tag the cables or mark them with a small perminent marker just like the rest of the phone guys and network guys
on the back of the router/gateway put a small peice of tape marked As an excample 1 2 3 or 4 and so on
and mark the cables in the same order and your done.. Oh and take a picture and Hide it ;D kidding but if you take a picture after marking it that could save time in the future.
Us phone/cable guys call it Graffiti and its not unusual for us to pop things together and walk away and forget about the Graffiti only because if it dont work the first time with only one or two cables it will work the second attempt

Hope that made some sence
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 21, 2009, 03:48:55 PM »
WHOA!!!  :o

I'm glad I did it the way I did and wrote how it was hooked up on back og the gateway.
You recall I said the Data cable was labled. But because the Data and phone cables are Identical and were hidden behind the book case I didn't see what I do now.
BOTH data cables are marked Data Cable.
Just on opposit ends.
A closer look at the data tag shows a hand scribbled writing I can make out.
But I did hook it "exactly" like it was before.
Everything is back up and running.
But my curiousty is going to be which data line is the feeder to the gate way and which one is the outgoing for the phones.
They should have a clearly marked line saying something like "Incoming Data" and Outgoing to phones  ::)

But It don't matter, I can now move the gateway AND the battery back up around with out having to unplug any of it again. ;)

OK.. Back to spring cleaning  ::)

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 21, 2009, 02:40:15 PM »
Rearranging start today (as soon as the recording(s) are done  ::) )
I'm going to do it while Duh wifey is out and about.
I see now why the techie put the gateway where he did, The broadband cable wasn't long enough to freely place.
But it's long enough to do what we decided above ;)

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 20, 2009, 06:26:04 PM »
Quote from: dannjr
Belkin.. Was that from AT&T..

Well.. it sure wasn't a Belkings guy that set all that up ;D

Quote from: dannjr
No the way I saw one of the file cabinets it looked like a small tower speaker After further review it looks like a cabinet ;D

Ah.. the freebie 2 drawer filing cabinets, Came free when we bought the Computer desk. They are as cheap as the look  ::)

Quote from: dannjr
Anyway try to move the belkin as they get older.. UPS's get older they make a little niose trying to keep the battery charged.. Remember batteries in them things if there lithium they go bad after 3 years.. NiHcad last longer.. lot longer with longer up times when the powers out. they can also last longer.
The Battery companies need to stop producing lithium.. theyre dirtier in the long run

No mention of wether it's a lithium or NiHcad, so probally a lithium  ;D
I'll try to remember the moving. ;)

Waiting on your answer to my PM.. I'm dealing with it now as I clean the Master bedroom.

Buggy  ;D
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