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General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Black Swan. New lake Addition?
« Last post by Buggyman on January 04, 2010, 06:41:37 PM »
and more
General Discussion CLOSED / Black Swan. New lake Addition?
« Last post by Buggyman on January 04, 2010, 06:40:39 PM »
Last week about night fall, Duh wifey saw something and called me to the sunroom. But it was getting dark and you really could see it very well. But one thing stood out, It long neck and was dark all over.
She asked me what I thought it was and I told her the neck line looked like a swan. Problem was,, it wasn't white.
Then a few days later it was back again. This time I got a good look at it and shore enough, It was a Swan, aBLACK Swan at that. I've never seen or heard of a "Black" Swan.
When it took off flying I seen it had white tipped wings.
So I though. off breed swan.
So I went and Gooogled Black Swan and found one website that describe it perfectly.
It was an Australian Black Swan.
The sex cannot be determind unless you see more than one. Apparently Males are much larger than Female. But this one being alone. we have nothing to compare it too. It is on the small side so it must be a young one.
Below are pictures of the Black Swan that apparently made a wrong turn some where and ended up here. It hangs out with the geese, but chases them all over the lake.

Buggy ;D
General Discussion CLOSED / Had to go onto a site last night.
« Last post by chpalmer on August 21, 2009, 05:33:49 PM »
There till about 2:30AM trying to listen for interference...  

This is a 15 second shot 1600iso F4. I held the camera down on the windshield of my truck to keep it still....

The red light is shielded from being seen from the ground. The light reflected off the clouds as they rolled through the tower.

General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by Buggyman on July 29, 2009, 11:39:52 PM »
What yah think Dude?  :bigsmile:
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: flood image test or hydro test
« Last post by dannjr on April 20, 2009, 06:02:09 PM »
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: Reaaranging duh office.
« Last post by dannjr on April 16, 2009, 04:03:01 PM »
Well, the move was complete, some minor changes which were for the better anyway.
Got the gateway on the second shelf from the floor on the left side pf my old computer desk and the battery back up still on the floor but on the right side in the cubby hole.
I do have one question, the cables for the data and the power cord going to the gateway are mixed together, shouldn't they be separated somewhat?

I'll get some updated pictures when I get a chance ;)

Buggy ;D

You should always try to keep the cables seperate from each other.. But will admit its not as bad as it use to be with RF noise on DSL or even networking but a CAT6 cable for instance sitting next to a florescent can still loose a connection because of it.. and VOIP can get a little interferance if you dont take messeres at the gateway to keep that noise down..

The best one would be a old CRT and the gateway next to it and a computer with a lot of static on the MB making a lot of static type noise you cant here till you try to listen to a AM/FM radio near it on the right channel...
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: flood image test or hydro test
« Last post by dannjr on April 08, 2009, 12:01:06 AM »
woot Woot LOL
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: flood image test or hydro test
« Last post by dannjr on March 25, 2009, 04:01:21 AM »
General Discussion CLOSED / flood image test or hydro test
« Last post by dannjr on March 24, 2009, 09:08:05 PM »
General Discussion CLOSED / Re: The Big Day event, switching to U-verse.
« Last post by Buggyman on March 23, 2009, 07:19:42 PM »
Well, I found out a few things and it should clear up from now on.
One I was ok with, the other bothered me on how they did it.
The Lady who set up my account at the beginning was "suppose" to inform me of the first bill dual amount. She may have, but I don't recall it.

Because the Combined bill was higher Dollar amount Uncle Sammy got a bigger chunk of the so call "Surcharges"  by percentage calculating. That hit me for more than $35.  >:(
She said when I got the next bill, because the total bill will be half what it is now then the Surcharge will be in the $15 range.

So chalk it up for Our Goverment's Taxing system. (lets leave it at that ;)

What DID bother me was in order to get me the credit for the two addtional recievers they had to put a credit on the U-300 channel package. Apparently they cannot credit receiver fees  ::)

It's fuzzy math that's all ;)

Talk about luck, the Lady I spoke to today was here IN Jacksonville AND lives about a mile form my house.
How freaky is that ;D

All is well in the U-verse land again. ;)

Buggy ;D
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