There goes the neighborhood...
You might want to get a BIG bag of Feed Corn and old bread you dont want and leave it by the shore line..
The Geese will tend to stay on there side of the pond and the Ducks if you have any will tend to be curious.
Swans don't like being approched real fast and need to get to know you or they fly off and if that happens to often they'll move someplace else.. So take your time with him/her...
The 19 or so we have up here are still getting use to us and there kiddy's fly away from us all the time.. the older ones still move away from the boat and now with winter we'll have to start over with them in the spring..
You could end up with something great there if the time to feed once in awhile is taken by you or DW or even nieghbors..
They can be messy like geese but can also be trained to eat on the edge of the water which is what they seem to prefure.
DONT make a sandy beach for them cause they'll take it over..
Nice shots by the way.. and great to see you have something kwel there..
Gotta run and get my DAD his computer over to him.. last look was still cold outside